Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time


Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time

Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time
Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time

This earpiece translates foreign languages in real-time and it makes everything around us look like something coming straight up from the future. This is the stuff dreams and sci-fi movies are made of, and the innovative gadget is available for just $129!

The ‘Pilot’ is a set of two earpieces connected through a smartphone app which allows two people speaking in different languages to understand each other in real-time. Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? Well, it’s true!

The ‘Pilot’ can translate between English, French, Spanish and Italian and it’s available on pre-order on IndieGoGo, as part of the company’s crowdfunding campaign. Order this amazing earpiece now and you’ll receive it in autumn, after the production will start.

Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time
Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time

This gadget comes with two earpieces, available in 3 different colors, and in order to understand a person speaking a different language, all you have to do is to insert the ‘Pilot”s earpiece into your ear. It’s as simple as that. Waverly Labs is the company behind this innovative technology which will certainly revolutionize the world as we know it in the very near future.

‘This little wearable uses translation technology to allow two people to speak different languages but still clearly understand each other.’ according to Waverly Labs’ website. Although the first generation device works only when speaking to a person who is also wearing an earpiece, future gadgets created by Waverly Labs will allow people to understand what is being said around them.

Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time
Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time

The ‘Pilot’ was invented by Waverly Labs founder Andrew Ochoa who came up with the idea ‘after meeting a French girl‘.

Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time
Earpiece Translates Foreign Languages In Real-Time

‘Every language has various dialects and the earpiece is designed to translate common dialects, although thick accents could disrupt this.’ according to the company’s official website.