It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One’s Ashes Into The Atmosphere

It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One’s Ashes Into The Atmosphere
It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One's Ashes Into The Atmosphere
It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One’s Ashes Into The Atmosphere

It is now possible to release your loved one’s ashes into the atmosphere! Yes, it’s true and it’s spectacular! Forget about the old traditions of burying the dead, because throwing your loved one’s ashes into the atmosphere sounds a whole lot better. Doesn’t it?

Cremating, as opposed to burying, is way more environmental friendly and it saves up a lot of the planet’s useful ground. The area where cemeteries currently are, could be used for agricultural purposes and everybody would have something to gain from it.

When it comes to cremating, not only are you saving up space, but you are also helping nature assimilate organic matter back into the natural circuit of life. Everyone and everything turns to ground sooner or later.

Why not offer your deceased loved ones a chance to circle the globe after their death, by having their remains released into the atmosphere?



Mesoloft makes it possible to honor the dream and memory of your departed loved one by lifting the cremated remains of a beloved family member into the magnificent beauty of near space, almost fifteen miles above our planet. Once released, they will soar and drift in the upper reaches of the earth’s atmosphere for weeks and months circulating the globe.

They would find our services offered them exactly what they desired: a way to fulfill their natural role in the cycle of life.

Over time the ashes will return to earth, settling on mountain tops, desert dunes, oceans, lakes, and rivers. As ashes ride these wind currents, they are naturally and gently returned to the planet’s surface. Some will pass through clouds, returning to the surface of the planet in the form of raindrops or snowflakes as water vapor condenses on the particles of ash.”

It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One's Ashes Into The Atmosphere
It Is Now Possible To Release Your Loved One’s Ashes Into The Atmosphere
