Step Inside Japan’s Largest Abandoned Hotel

Are you ready to step inside Japan’s largest abandoned hotel? If not, no worries, because Natalia Sobańska from has already did what you are to afraid to do.
The Hachijo Royal Hotel is truly an architectural marvel in its own right, and unfortunately, like so many other gems, it is left in ruins and Mother Nature has started to take back what’s hers. Slowly, but steady.
“It was the largest hotel in Japan…located on a remote volcanic island, almost 300 km from Tokyo. No beaches, only divers will find something to do,” writes Natalia Sobańska, the talented photographer behind this amazing series.
“Unfortunately, it was not sustainable for such a large hotel to remain open. Despite several attempts to bring it back to life, the hotel closed its doors for the final time in 2006. It’s amazing that some of the rooms have developed their own ecosystems, while others are untouched by time, other than a bit of dust,” says the urban explorer.

Check out the entire photo series about the abandoned Hachijo Royal Hotel from Japan, on the official website.