IKEA Asked People To ‘Bully’ A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating

IKEA Asked People To ‘Bully’ A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating
IKEA Asked People To 'Bully' A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating
IKEA Asked People To ‘Bully’ A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating

IKEA asked people to ‘bully’ a plant for 30 days and the results are fascinating in every single way and form. Yes, Mother Nature has a hard time combating human bullies and this is revealed through this social-science experiment.

The Swedish company wanted to raise awareness about how bullying in schools affect young children and why programs to prevent bullying worldwide should be implemented more often, more consistent.

IKEA asked people from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to start ‘bullying’ one of their plants for 30 days straight. Two plants were placed in a school and pupils had to harass one of the plants and treat the other one with love and care.

IKEA Asked People To 'Bully' A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating
IKEA Asked People To ‘Bully’ A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating

They had to say harsh words to the bullied plant, while the other was treated with respect and complimented constantly.


This social installation wanted to promote the ‘Anti-Bullying Day’ on May 4, in the United Arab Emirates, and what better way to do that than with this unique social experiment?

IKEA Asked People To 'Bully' A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating
IKEA Asked People To ‘Bully’ A Plant For 30 Days And The Results Are Fascinating

Both plants were given the same amounts of water, sunlight, fertilizer and any other variable was offered in equal doses.

The shocking result was that after 30 days of bullying, one of the plants started losing leaves, while the other was thriving. You can guess which one is which for yourselves, or simply look at the entire video of the experiment (in fast forward, of course).

This proves that stress, no matter the form in which it manifests itself, has a huge impact on all forms of lives. Also, the key message is that bullying is not the answer and it always causes harm. Say NO to bullying!