American Bedrooms Offer A Glimpse Into Private Lives Of People From Around The Country
These photos of American bedrooms offer a glimpse into the private lives of people from all around the United States. It’s a living testament of how people go on with their daily routine in the place they feel the most comfortable – their homes.
Barbara Peacock is an American commercial photographer based in Portland, Oregon, and she is always coming up with amazing projects which reveal a certain reality. This project, involving American bedrooms, aims at capturing the secret and private lives of Americans from across the country.
People are complex creatures. This is true. Especially when it comes to what their daily habits and routines. Most Americans spend most of their time at home, and the average person sleeps 8 hours a day, which adds up to a third of a person’s life. Considering these facts, what better place to reveal a person’s most intimate life details is there than the bedroom?
Barbara Peacock traveled the country from East to West, North to South, to capture the bedrooms of different people, of different ages and social statuses.
Her models are either friends and acquaintances, while others are strangers who were invited by the photographer to participate in her projects. If you’re interested in following more of her projects, or if you plan on being a part of her work, be sure to visit her official website.